Trends, growth rate scenario and instability in area, production and productivity of mango fruit in punjab and sindh provinces of Pakistan

International Journal of Development Research

Trends, growth rate scenario and instability in area, production and productivity of mango fruit in punjab and sindh provinces of Pakistan


This study was undertaken with a view to analyze trend, growth rate scenario and instability of mango fruit in two different periods of Punjab and Sindh provinces of Pakistan. Period I (1970 71 to 1991 92) and Period II (1992 93 to 2013 14). The study reveals that in period I of Sindh, the increase in production growth was due to increase in its area and productivity growth both but in Punjab it was only due to increase in area growth because the productivity growth was negative. It means that the mango farmers of Sindh in period I are utilizing new farm technologies mainly because of profitability in growing mango fruit due to good qualities of trees, favourable price incentives, good irrigation facilities and climatic conditions. The study also concludes that the growth of production of mango increased in period II compared to period I in both the provinces. The study also reveals that the productivity growth of mango in Sindh recorded negative and significant growth, while in Punjab though the productivity growth become positive but statistically insignificant in period II compared to period I. The decline in productivity growth in period II compared to period I was mainly due to drought and floods from 2000 onwards, and non-availability of roads from mango garden to markets. The magnitude of instability in mango production declined in period II compared to period I. The synchronized movements in area and productivity both were responsible for low instability in mango production in period II. The study also reveals that in mango fruit, instability in production is lower than instability in productivity in period II, which indicated the importance of productivity instability.

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