Vol. 14, Issue, 08, August, 2024

Life Sciences

  1. Sheeja L and Rachana S.

    The development of biofuels from sustainable feedstocks has garnered significant scientific attention due to their potential to provide energy and alternative fuels. Cellulosic feedstock has gained attention as an attractive option for bioethanol production due to its greater ability to...

  2. Temesgen Abo and Wassu Mohamed

    In Ethiopia, field pea (Pisum sativum L.) is the main source of protein for resource poor growers. The improvement of varieties for yield and disease resistance is one of the important activities to support farmers and improve the productivity of the crop. Consequently, this study was showed to...


Physical Sciences and Engineering

  1. Mariyam Mahboob, Mohammed Rayyan Uddin Ahmed, Zoiba Zia, Mariam Shakeel Ali and Ayman Khaleel Ahmed

    The advent of Artificial intelligence has promising advantages that can be utilized to transform the landscape of software project development. The Software process framework consists of activities that constantly require routine human interaction, leading to the possibility of errors and...

  2. Dr. Purushottam Bhawre

    The Ionospheric scintillation has a huge impact on radio propagation and electronic system performance, thus is substantially studied currently. The particular influence of scintillation on Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) is very evident, making GNSS a powerful medium to analyze...

  3. Danielle Costa de Souza Simas, Antônio Ferreira do Norte Filho, Ricardo Augusto Campolina de Sales, Naira Neila Batista de Oliveira Norte and Alcian Pereira de Souza

    A Amazônia possui uma das maiores bacias hidrográficas do mundo, essencial para a biodiversidade e para as populações locais. A gestão sustentável desses recursos envolve regulamentações que garantam o uso racional da água, proteção dos cursos d'água contra poluição e a preservação dos...

  4. Mohammed Yunus, A. H. and Dr. Venkata Ramana, N

    Seismic Response Spectrum Analysis (SRSA) is a critical component in assessing the seismic performance of structures, especially in earthquake-prone regions. This project report presents a comprehensive analysis of a G+10 steel-framed structure using the widely utilized structural analysis...

  5. Eliandra Raquel Furtado Monteiro and Marinalva Silva de Souza

    Hypertensive Syndromes of Pregnancy (SHG) are one of the complications of pregnancy that are among the main causes of maternal and fetal morbidity and mortality. It is the first cause of maternal death in Brazil and the third in the world. It affects about 10% of pregnancies, being the most...

  6. Júlio Henrique Pimentel Medrano and Márcio Teodoro Fernandes

    Management High-strength steels recently used to obtain parts for the automotive industry, with multiphase microstructures, have interesting bake-hardening (BH) properties. The aim of this research work is to pre-deform and quantify the effect of BH on 22MnB5 steels, during the pre-painting...

  7. Pascal Wery

    Thanks to Edwin Hubble’s observations we know that universal expansion unfolds the cosmos. Going back in time, we think the universe was more concentrated. Here comes the amalgam between concentration and volume: because the universe was more concentrated, we think it was also smaller. But the...

  8. Aishani Satia

    Immigrants currently comprise approximately 281 million people globally. As their populations continue to rise, receiving countries often face difficulties with seamlessly integrating them into society: specifically, with healthcare. This review aims to assess the effectiveness of interventions...

  9. Leandro Thomaz Vilela, Hyago da Silva Medeiros Elidio, Fabiano de Jesus Dias, Nelson Jorge do Rego, Marilene Damázio dos Santos, Luciana Alves Paixão, Brenda Lima Porto Tardan, Fabiana de Fátima Rangel, Aline de Almeida Schetini Silva, Gabriel Sardenberg,

    O Working in laboratories poses risks because they contain various agents that are harmful to the health of professionals, especially in activities that involve biological risk. Biosafety is indispensable in the daily lives of professionals working in laboratories, as it describes actions to...

  10. Rajab Ayubu Chuo, Patrice Nyangi and Gislar Kifanyi

    The conservation and restoration of heritage buildings, mostly Fort Ikoma in Serengeti National Park (SENAPA), Tanzania, requires a thorough understanding of the materials originally used. This study aimed to investigate the physical, chemical, mineralogical, and petrographic properties of the...


Health Sciences

  1. Pedro Henrique Lima Soares, Geovana Thees Perillo Rodrigues and Maria Luiza Pimentel de Oliveira

    Introduction: Epidemiological studies show a significant acceleration in the prevalence of obesity in Brazil and worldwide, making it a public health issue, primarily due to the increased risk of diseases such as systemic arterial hypertension (SAH) and type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM). The first...

  2. Thais Caroline Pereira and Claudia Maria Cabral Moro Barra

    There is evidence that autism, or Autism Spectrum Disorder, is associated with Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD), which involves atypical behaviors that are often narrated in the patient's medical records in a non-standardized way and are difficult to identify. To help with this, the aim of this...

  3. Thais Caroline Pereira, Dilmeire Sant'Anna Ramos Vosgerau and Claudia Maria Cabral Moro Barra

    Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD) is reflected in unexpected actions and inappropriate behavior for no apparent reason. It is a complex condition that involves the central nervous system and is not evident in clinical examinations. Introduction: Identifying the patient's reactions to everyday...

  4. Rajratan Gupta, Mahesh Chand Gaur, Reema Jacqueline Andrade, Dayananda B O and Dharamdas Ratre

    Introduction: Bullying has become a major issue in the social environment causing an impact on physical health, mental health and social life of an individual. It is pernicious in its impact even if it is often less visible and less readily identifiable than other public health concerns. It is...

  5. Simone Souza de Freitas, Ronaldo Leite de Lima, Jussara Passos de Almeida, Alexsandra Maria Bezerra, Carla Fernanda Emídio de Barros, Flavia Rejane de Souza, Larisse Calou Pinheiro de Melo, Jussara de Lucena Alves, Flávia Gonçalves do Nascimento, Bárbara

    Introduction: Hypertensive disease of pregnancy represents the most common complication during pregnancy, presenting significant risks to maternal and fetal health. This condition is characterized by clinical and laboratory impairment, with elevated blood pressure levels that can range from mild...

  6. Sathish Kumar P, Sibi K, Dhanasekar J, Manoj R, Sivaranjani J, Tamizharasi S and Thirumaran J

    Transdermal Drug Delivery systems represent a category of topical, self-contained discrete dosage forms designed to deliver drugs at a controlled rate to the systemic circulation when applied to intact skin. This research reports the successful preparation of a Celecoxib transdermal patch using...

  7. AL Mutairy Khaled Ayed, Hazazi Abdulrahman Yahya, AL Harthi Ayidh Saad, AL Sulami Khalid Azizallah Abdulaziz, Asiri Amjad Matuq Abdullah and AL Knani Mutaz Ismil

    Drug allergies are a significant cause of adverse drug reactions (ADRs), affecting patient safety and healthcare outcomes. Early detection of drug allergies is crucial for preventing these reactions and improving clinical care. This systematic review explores the current methods of early drug...

  8. Jameel Murdi Almutairi, Mohammed Abdulrahman Alhulailah, Mana Mahdi Hamed Al yami, Naif Mesfer Aldawsari and Abeer Idress Mousa Bin Alshaikh

    Peripheral neuropathy is a debilitating condition characterized by damage to the peripheral nerves, which connect the central nervous system to the rest of the body. This comprehensive guide delves into the various symptoms and root causes of peripheral neuropathy, aiming to provide a thorough...

  9. Mr. Naveen Kumar and Dr. Vijay Singh Rawat

    Abstract: Healthcare-associated infections (HAI) are regarded as the most common adverse events in health care service delivery. Most Common types of HAIs includes Surgical Site infections (SSI), Urinary tract infections (UTI), Blood stream infections (BSI) and Ventilator Associated Pneumonia (...

  10. Edilayne Gomes Boto, Jacques Antônio Cavalcante Maciel, Dixis Figueroa Pedraza, Marina Pereira Moita and Maria Socorro de Araújo Dias

    O cenário de má nutrição estabelecido com a transição nutricional nas últimas décadas, com enfoque especial no sobrepeso e obesidade, configura-se como um importante problema de saúde pública. O estudo objetiva avaliar o estado nutricional de pré-escolares e sua relação com o consumo alimentar....

  11. Augusto Ribeiro de Sousa Cardos, Jefferson Lessa Soares de Macedo, João Pedro Santana de Lacerda Mariz, Geovana Thees Perillo Rodrigues, Maria Luiza Pimentel de Oliveira and Izabella Sena de Oliveira

    A síndrome das bandas amnióticas é uma anomalia rara, congênita, com várias manifestações desfigurantes e incapacitantes podendo levar até ao aborto espontâneo. Geralmente atinge as extremidades distais de membros, levando a alterações linfáticas, vasculares e de contorno. Em nosso serviço...

  12. Saeed Saad Saeed Alatom, Ahmed Mohammed Mesfer Alghamdi, Hatim Abdullah Algasimi, Khulud Mesfer Hussain Alsari, Rahmah Hussain Mohammed Alsawidan and Norah Menwer Sadhan Alharbi

    Post-treatment rehabilitation is a critical component of healthcare that significantly influences patient recovery and long-term outcomes. This review explores the interconnected roles of nurses and technicians in delivering effective post-treatment rehabilitation and its impact on patient...

  13. Dr. Ravish, G. K., Dr. Sowjanya, M. N., Bhaskar, K. S., Rohan, G. K. and Vinaykumar Hittalamani

    The Data can be represented in Kannada novel to English. The data is open to users in a different format. Information comprehension is very difficult for uneducated individuals. Often it is difficult for people to read or comprehend meaningful data available on social media. Thus, researchers...

  14. AL Zahrani Fahad Ali Ahmed, AL Khaldi Mohammed Khalid Hamoud, AL Mutairi Abdulaziz Ruzayq Bati, AL Anazi Abdullah Mohammed Turki, AL Mutairi Nawaf Saqer, AL Rehaili Abdulaziz Ajal and AL Motairi Ebtesam Mansour

    Emergency initial assessment is a critical process in emergency medicine, ensuring that patients receive timely and appropriate care based on the severity of their condition. This comprehensive review explores the fundamental principles of emergency initial assessments, focusing on the primary...

  15. AL Shammari Mona Saeed Hamdan, AL Dosari Afnan Mohammed Abdullah, AL Anizi Tahaweel Saud Sayah, AL Ruwili Sayer Ofyer Joumah, Qadri Ahdab tawfeeq Hassan, AL Mutairi Hamoud Zayed and AL Dilh Sara Mahdi Swaid

    Accurate monitoring of vital signs—heart rate, blood pressure, respiratory rate, temperature, and oxygen saturation—is essential in assessing patient health and guiding clinical decisions. This systematic review explores the life-saving impact of precise vital sign measurements in healthcare...

  16. AL Suwailem Yazeed Abdullah, AL Solami Khalid Aqall, AL Mutairi Hamoud Zayed, AL Mutairi Salma Salem and AL Dossary Bashayer Draan

    The integration of pharmaceutical care management and nursing plays a critical role in enhancing healthcare delivery, improving patient outcomes, and ensuring medication safety. This review explores the overlapping responsibilities of pharmacists and nurses, highlighting areas where...


Social Sciences and Humanities

  1. Norsurianna Teh Binti Abdullah, Datuk Dr. Noor Inayah Ya'akub and Dr. Abu Bakar Abdul Hamid

    This study investigates the relationship between the length of time board members serve and the financial performance (FP) of Malaysia's top 500 public listed companies (PLCs). The research uses data from annual reports, secretarial data, and financial statements to analyse the correlation...

  2. Diosdado Aniceto Micha Ovono Nsefumu, Shao Jihong and John Wiredu

    In recent years, the hotel industry had faced increasing scrutiny over its environmental impact, prompting customers to seek eco-friendly accommodation options. This research aimed to assess the influence of green marketing and hotel environmental performance within Equatorial Guinea capital of...

  3. Dr. Kotra Balayogi

    Professional standards and professionalism today is a much talked about word in education, as compared to professionalization and profession, professionalism as a concept is a recent phenomenon. But since it is linked to the concept of profession and professionalization, it will be useful to...

  4. Dr. A. Kalisdha

    Management education faces the challenge of preparing future leaders to address the pressing issues of innovation and sustainability. Action-oriented research (AOR) has emerged as a powerful approach to bridge the gap between theory and practice in management education, enabling students to...

  5. Dr. A. Kalisdha

    This research article investigates the profound effects of emerging trends in B-School Library Management Systems on library users, with a particular focus on business and management education. Analyzing key components such as automation, data analytics, and digital accessibility, the study...

  6. Abdullahi Hassan Mudey and Abdirahman Jimale Adan

    The purpose of this study is to investigate the Effect of cash flow statement on Investment Decision at Salaam Somali Bank in Mogadishu- Somalia. This study conducted through Survey research design. The target population of this study was employee and managers of Salam Somali Bank, and the...

  7. Eliana da Silva Coêlho Mendonça, Marco José Mendonça de Souza and Robson Antonio Tavares Costa

    O conceito de lazer, foi modificando-se com o passar dos anos, atualmente, possui uma definição ligada a momentos de diversão e relaxamento no seu tempo livre de trabalho. Disponibilizar informações precisas e atualizadas sobre os espaços de lazer, possibilita a população um acesso rápido e...

  8. Wang Chenghong

    This quasi-experimental study investigates the impact of self-imposed harmony on word retention among college students at Mianyang Normal University. Employing purposive sampling and adapting Lubbock's work, the research explores the interplay between natural history and cognitive psychology....

  9. Dr. Paul Kibiwott Kurgat and Dr. Benjamin Kipkios Ng’etich

    This paper discusses the role of Western Diplomats in Kenya’s anti-corruption measures. One of the realities of relations among nation-states is their independence. No nation-state is so self-sufficient as to exist in isolation from other states. Anti-corruption measures refer to strategies a...

  10. Shota Kepuladze, Irakli Kokhreidze and George Burkadze

    Background: Breast cancer is a heterogeneous disease with distinct molecular subtypes, each exhibiting unique clinical and pathological characteristics. The HER2-positive subtype, characterized by the overexpression of the HER2 protein, is associated with aggressive tumor behavior and poor...

  11. Metuzalak Awom, Rully Novie Wurarah and Muhammad Guzali Tafalas

    This study examines how well Special Autonomy Funds (otsus) boost education in Manokwari Regency from 2020 to 2022. The research uses a qualitative descriptive approach with inductive methods. It looks at otsus money for education and school enrollment rates at primary junior high, and high...

  12. Durgesh Kumar Patel and Prof. Dr. Ajay Wagh

    This study examines the correlation between Work-Family Conflict (WFC) and Job Satisfaction (JS) for a sample of 100 nurses in the States of Madhya Pradesh and Chhattisgarh, India. The study results revealed that nurses provided ratings ranging from moderate to high levels of job satisfaction,...
