Successful management of a case of cervical ectopic pregnancy (combination method)
International Journal of Development Research
Successful management of a case of cervical ectopic pregnancy (combination method)
Cervical pregnancy is a rare ectopic. A Patient aged 26 years primi gravida attended OBG Department OPD with a USG report of cervical ectopic pregnancy. Two Injections Intramuscular Methotrexate 1 mg/kg body weight, Inj. Folinic Acid 0.10 mg/kg body weight (6 mg) was given on alternative days. Even then, the hcG titres were not declined satisfactorily. Foetal cardiac pulsations were present. Then Inj. KCl, Methotrexate was given intra amnoitically. Uterine artery embolization was done to reduce the vascularity in tropoblastic tissue. Suction evacuation was done after injecting vasopressine in to the cervix. Tab. Mesoprostal (800ug) was given per rectally. Two days later, check curettage was done. Subsequently, Uterus was found empty. hcG titres came to normal after two weeks.