Study of biochemical predictors of bone loss and bone mineral density in postmenopausal women

International Journal of Development Research

Study of biochemical predictors of bone loss and bone mineral density in postmenopausal women


Measurement of bone remodelling biomarkers combined with assessing bone mineral density (BMD) helps in identification of postmenopausal women at  increased risk of  recurrent fractures and in  monitoring therapeutic efficacy.
Objective: To assess BMD using ultrasound based regional bone densitometry and to determine the levels of serum markers of bone turnover in postmenopausal women.
Methods: Bone density was studied at heel and subjects were classified as normal, osteopenic, or osteoporotic according to WHO criteria based on bone mineral density (BMD) T scores and  biochemical parameters predicting bone loss were measured in serum  of postmenopausal women with and without osteoporosis.
Results: Serum calcium and phosphorus values did not reveal any statistically significant difference between case and control groups and also among normal, osteopenic and osteoporotics  TRAP levels were more significant than BALP in case and control groups. Vitamin D showed lower mean values in cases  than in controls.
Conclusions: Combined use of BMD and biochemical markers is more effective than use of single factor. Bone resorption marker (TRAP) is better indicators of bone remodeling. Vitamin D levels are important in maintenance of  bone mineral density but its levels are not specific for osteoporosis.


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