Resistance against root rot and stem decay of amaranthushybridus by a dual treatment with glomusfasciculatumand trichodermaharzianumvis-à-vis production

International Journal of Development Research

Resistance against root rot and stem decay of amaranthushybridus by a dual treatment with glomusfasciculatumand trichodermaharzianumvis-à-vis production


Six accessions of Amaranthussp procured from National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources (NBPGR), New Delhi. Among the six accessions, IC 95609 was highly susceptible to root rot and stem decay disease which causes loss in productivity. Root rot and stem decay disease caused by Fusariumsolani which affects different agro-morphological traits of the crop plant. Amaranthus is a leaf vegetable. In the present investigation, VAM fungus (Glomusfasciculatum) and antagonistic fungus (Trichodermaharzianum) combination used to improve the production and quality of different vegetative characters of the leafy vegetable. Dual inoculation of VAM and Trichodermaharzianumcan enhancethe productivity of the leafy vegetable and leads to sustainable agricultural practice.

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