Re-confirmation of concurrent validity of focus factor as found by standardized cognitive ability test

International Journal of Development Research

Re-confirmation of concurrent validity of focus factor as found by standardized cognitive ability test


The focus of attention has become a capricious area of research in educational science. It has become a standing concern in the field of academics, sports and life skills.  To cater to the need of the day, the in-hand study was taken up to re-emphasize and re-establish the validity of the numerical value of focus factor as assessed by Cognitive Ability Test which is already developed and standardized.  The research was carried in and around Chandigarh. The sample consisted of 240 school going students between 7-16 years of age from different schools.  Random sampling was followed.  The sample was divided into 4 groups according to their age.  The Focus factor of all the subjects were found in two different stages, using two varied tests, both of which are developed and standardized scientifically.  It was established through results that the Cognitive Ability Test is valid measure to find out the Focus factor of the subjects.

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