Quality in nursing care in view of the chronic kidney patient in hemodialytic treatment living with HIV / AIDS and coinfections

International Journal of Development Research

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4 pages
Research Article

Quality in nursing care in view of the chronic kidney patient in hemodialytic treatment living with HIV / AIDS and coinfections

Layme, Gérssica Marcela Guedes, Medeiros, Renata abílio Diniz Leite and Birth, Rosangela Almeida do


Introduction: NCDs are considered a serious and growing public health problem, where NCD is considered a NCD due to its prolonged clinical course, clinical manifestations, and others. Method: descriptive-exploratory, cross-sectional with a quantitative approach. The research was carried out at the Real Hospital de Beneficência in Pernambuco - RHP. Data were obtained through the application of a semi-structured questionnaire, individually, about nursing care. The population was composed of all coinfected patients with Chronic Kidney Disease, seen at the Nephrology Unit, totaling 54. Result: It was observed that the most of the interviewees, when asked about the quality of nursing care, reported a good level of satisfaction, (59%) where they also report that they are oriented about the procedures that are performed (56%) and that they receive humanized care (57 %) and it was observed that a large part of the interviewees visualized aseptic techniques during the procedures by the nursing professionals (81%). Conclusion: that the quality of assistance achieved good quality standards provided to most of the respondents, however the nursing team must to seek excellence in their care, thus allowing a closer relationship between nursing professionals and patients.

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