Psychosocial well-being of the women living in the precarious districts of Abidjan

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
6 pages
Research Article

Psychosocial well-being of the women living in the precarious districts of Abidjan

Ossei KOUAKOU and Ahou Aline Eveline KOUAME


This study aims at identifying the indicators of psychosocial well-being of the women living in the precarious districts of Abidjan to make more effective development projects towards them. To this end, an investigation was led in precarious districts of six (06) municipalities of the city of Abidjan: Abobo, Cocody, Koumassi, Yopougon, Marcory, Port-Bouet. 682 women and girls were questioned by means of a questionnaire. They were also subdued in the test of self-respect of Rosenberg (1985). So, the following characteristics were identified (age, academic level, self-esteem, parental situation, marital status) and put in touch with 5 indicators of the psychosocial well-being, namely: food, sanitation and living environment, safety(security), education and work (IASC, on 2007). The results analyzed by the test (χ2) indicate that there are partial relations between the indicators of the psychosocial well-being and the identified characteristics. However, the indicator "work" is correlated to all the characteristics of the women. Such an observation invites to introduce adequate activities that generate incomes for the feminine populations living in conditions of precariousness.

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