Shinde, Celastrus paniculatus; medicinal and pharmacological properties: a review

International Journal of Development Research

Shinde, Celastrus paniculatus; medicinal and pharmacological properties: a review


Celastrus paniculatus Wild.mentioned in Ayurveda as ‘Tree of life’, a plant belonging to family Celastraceae was in use from time immemorial to treat brain related disorders and to enhance learning and memory. The Jyotishmati oil extracted from the seeds of C. paniculatus is known to have effect on Central Nervous System.  C. paniculatus shows many activities along with main activity i.e memory enhancing effect. Its reported activities are antiviral, antibacterial, insecticidal, anti-inflammatory, antispermatogenic, sedative, anti-fatigue and analgesic, hipolipidemic. It is arthralagenic, antirhumatic, aphrodisiac, emetic, laxative, nervine tonic. Plant is widely used for its medicinal properties, mainly to extract the seed oil, the seeds of plants are harvested indiscriminately from wild as well as cultivers. Hence species is highly vulnerable and it is highly endangered plant of Western and Eastern Ghats The article is review of medicinal and pharmacological properties of Celastrus paniculatus.

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