A percepção do enfermeiro sobre auditoria de enfermagem no âmbito hospitalar

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
4 pages
Research Article

A percepção do enfermeiro sobre auditoria de enfermagem no âmbito hospitalar

Jaqueline Vieira Magalhães Dias, Letícia Gomes de Oliveira, Juliana Farias Vieira, Nathaly Silva Freitas, Rafaela de Souza Santos Carvalho, Ingrid Naiana Pinto Mafra; José Henrique Santos Silva, and Mônica Olívia Lopes Sá de Souza


Introduction: the nursing audit assumes a scan and detailed review of clinical logs selected by qualified professionals to evaluate the quality of care. Being used in the evaluation of work processes and in the analysis of the hospital bills. Consists of an activity capable of verifying the quality of nursing care, contributed to frequent your improvement. Objective: to evaluate the perception of the nurse on the audit process in nursing within the hospital. Method: this is a descriptive-exploratory research with qualitative approach, the type field. Results: it was evidenced that the nurses have a superficial view about the audit process in nursing, and some of these professionals consider the audit as a punitive instrument. Conclusion: it was observed that nurse is required to develop a critical eye on the assistance provided, in order to minimize waste, assuming so, an essential role in the audit process and the positive impact on the quality and costs hospitals.

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