Inequalities in spatial distribution of physical activities on primary health care, campo grande – ms, Brazil

International Journal of Development Research

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7 pages
Research Article

Inequalities in spatial distribution of physical activities on primary health care, campo grande – ms, Brazil

Joel Carlos Valcanaia Ferreira, Joel Saraiva Ferreira, Reinaldo Souza-Santos, Andréa Sobral de Almeida and Petr Melnikov


Introduction: actions and services offered to the population can be analyzed through a geographical information system, such as in the case of data geoprocessing linked to the conditioning and determining factors of health. Objective: to describe the distribution of spatial offer of physical activity practice in the Primary Health Care, in the municipality of Campo Grande – MS, Brazil. Methodology: data referring to the the geographical distribution of the health units and occupancy of the Physical Education professionals were obtained from the Municipal Department of Public Health of Campo Grande – MS, Brazil. By using a questionnaire specially developed for this study, data on the offer of physical activity practice were collected in all health units of the urban area of the municipality, linked to the Primary Health Care and with practicing Physical Education professionals. Results: there was higher occurrence of art therapy, gymnastics, and walking exercises offered in the assessed context. The geographical distribution of those physical activities was heterogeneous in the municipality, with that service not being present in the neighborhoods with higher population density. Conclusion: there is an inequality in the geographical distribution of the offer of physical activity practice in units linked to the Primary Health Care, which represents a frailty to make and/or keep that population physically active.

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