Studies on morphological diversity and frequency of phytoliths of underutilized grass species of cyperaceae

International Journal of Development Research

Studies on morphological diversity and frequency of phytoliths of underutilized grass species of cyperaceae


The phytoliths are micrometric particles protect the plant from various stresses; in past provides mechanical support and durability to the plant. Phytoliths from grasses are well documented and broadly applied in some archaeo-botanical studies, whereas sedge phytoliths have received less attention. Since sedge phytoliths appear to be morphologically distinct from those in grasses, they may be of taxonomic importance. Meticulous research towards phytoliths particularly in Underutilized grasses in scanty therefore the present study is aimed at to the find out the morphology and distribution of phytoliths present in eight Cyperaceae grass species by using wet-oxidation method. The results revealed that the most frequent types were the Elongate and Bilobate structures with highest frequency and measurements. Based on these observations it is concluded that the phytoliths produced by Cyperaceous grass species posses taxonomic values and major role in past environmental reconstructions.

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