Safety business programs and secured working conditions relate to productivity

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
3 pages
Research Article

Safety business programs and secured working conditions relate to productivity

Roshan Baa, Claber Minj and Bruno Toppo


Occupational health and safety allows the organisations to maintain good health, safety, and security of the employees in the workplace. Several employees are highly stressed about the quality and consistency of safety programmes in workplace. This stress results in poor motivation and poor performance of employees, which has a negative impact on overall organisational performance. Workplace safety and security improved employee engagement, employee retention, employee motivation, and organisational communication. These help in improving workplace performance and business productivity. The companies also need to improve the quality of the workplace safety plan development process. In order to do so, the organisations are highly focused on effective identification of possible hazards, effective communication planning, and effective personal safety metrics.

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