Education as a patient safety strategy in intensive Care: Pandemic times

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
4 pages
Research Article

Education as a patient safety strategy in intensive Care: Pandemic times

Anelvira Oliveira Florentino, Franciele Costa da Silva Perez, Claudia Rosana Trevisani Corrêa, Adriane Lopes, Cássia Marques da Rocha Hoelz, Amanda Aparecida Camargo de Oliveira, Silvana Anunciação da Silva, Laudicéia Rodrigues Crivelaro, Elcie Aparecida Braga de Oliveira and Talita de Azevedo Coelho Furquim Pereira


In pandemic times, what can be said as a transpandemic period, continuing education does not serve to update existing knowledge, but to teach from scratch. The objective was to reflect on how continuing education acts as a patient safety strategy in intensive care in the transpandemic period. This is a bibliographic review of the literature, with a descriptive and critical-reflexive character and a qualitative approach. For discussion, the Thematic Content Analysis was used, which resulted in four categories, such as: Contextualization: a new world for Science and society, High Complexity in the pandemic, Patient Safety and Education saves lives. Excellent care means ensuring patient safety and it is through training, updating, all the mechanisms that education allows professionals to qualify that it is possible to reach the final objective, a positive prognosis, a quick recovery, a hospital discharge and quality of life.

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