Co-operative movement in rural progress (a case study of co-operative marketing)
International Journal of Development Research
Co-operative movement in rural progress (a case study of co-operative marketing)
Co-operative sector has played a significant role in the development of rural economy of our Country. The Royal Commission on Agriculture (1927) has also pointed out that if cooperative fail there will be a failure of the last hope of rural India. The operation of this sector during the last hundred years has proved that it can fulfill the dreams and needs of common rural people in India. In the context of Andhra Pradesh cooperative has also been recognized as a pioneer institution for credit as well as supply of essential commodities to the people of the state. In the expansion of cooperative societies in the state the Andhra Pradesh Cooperative Marketing and Supply Federation Ltd, has also played positive role. The primary function of the federation procuring and marketing of agriculture product. In addition to improve the lot of the poor and more particularly; the rural poor, our planners and policymakers have launched Eleventh Five Years Plans. These Plan documents are the blue prints of our national effort in the direction of an all-round development of the country. Precisely, the 1' Plan accorded priority for raising national income and a steady improvement in the living standards. The 2011 Plan aimed at achieving goals of Socialistic Pattern of Society. Self-sustained growth was the major objective of the 3rd Plan. In the 4th Plan, convert of equality and social justice was to be promoted. Self-reliance was to be attained in the 5th Plan. Removal of poverty was accorded the top priority in the next Plan. The 9th plan had its concerted attention on food, work, and productivity. The basic thrust of 10th Plan was on maximization of employment and social transformation. The main dimensions of I l& 12th Plans are quality of life, generation of productive employment and removal of regional imbalance.