Changing trend of caesarean section rate in Kashmir division
International Journal of Development Research
Changing trend of caesarean section rate in Kashmir division
Received 24th May, 2017; Received in revised form 04th June, 2017; Accepted 17th July, 2017; Published online 30th August, 2017
Copyright ©2017, Dr. Umar Nazir et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Introduction: Major change in the practice of obstetrics over the past century is a progressive increased frequency of caesarean section deliveries which has been associated with an increased risk of post- operative complications and increased risk of fetal distress which in turn increases maternal and neonatal morbidity and mortality. Therefore we tried to determine the rate of caesarian section deliveries in Kashmir division. Objectives: To determine the caesarean section Rate in Government Hospitals and Private Hospitals of Kashmir division. Study design: Descriptive study based on secondary data. Methodology: We collected secondary data from all twelve districts of Kashmir division regarding number and mode of deliveries conducted in government /private institutions from 1st April 2010 to 31stJanuary 2015 from Directorate of Health services Kashmir. The data of all patients who underwent normal/caesarean section delivery in Government/Private institutes of all twelve districts was analyzed in the form of %ages to see the changing trends of deliveries in Kashmir division with passing years. Results: Our study findings showed that the proportion of caesarean section deliveries in government hospitals was 15.5% in the year 2010-2011 .Thereafter there has been an increase in the proportion of caesarean section deliveries in these hospitals and it has reached to 20.2% for the year 2014. Out of all the caesarean section deliveries conducted in Kashmir division 8.02% were conducted in private hospitals in the year 2011 which increased to 36.2% upto the year 2014. Discussion: An increasing trend of caesarian section deliveries was seen in both Government and Private hospitals in the Kashmir division which is an alarming sign and puts an increased risk of post-operative complications to females and increases the risk of respiratory distress in the new born. Recommendations: It is recommended to follow proper monitoring and adhere to WHO guidelines for caesarean section deliveries which is the need of the hour. Obstetrical audit will help us a lot in reducing the caesarean section rate. Besides Continued Medical Education should be conducted from time to time.