Cerrado Pitanga Seed Storage

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
4 pages
Research Article

Cerrado Pitanga Seed Storage

Nathália Luana Ribeiro Morais, Kátia Freitas Silva, Luciana Borges e Silva, Elias Emanuel Silva Mota and Mônica Ferreira de Melo


Problems are observed in the storage of seeds of some fruit species of the Cerrado, due to their low longevity and tolerance to desiccation. Thus, the present study aimed to verify the behavior of the pitanga seeds from the Cerrado in relation to their storage and implications in the emergency. The work was conducted at Goiano Federal Institute - Ceres Campus. The experimental design adopted was completely randomized, arranged in subdivided plots, with the plots represented by Eugenia Calycina seeds and the subplots by the factorial 2x3x4 + 1, consisting of two temperatures, 25 ⁰C and 7 ⁰C, stored in glass bottles, bags plastics and aluminum foil and four storage periods: 30, 60, 90 and 120 days after harvest, and the seeds sown immediately after harvest (control). The control showed higher percentage of emergence and speed index of emergence than the contrasts, indicating that the storage of pitanga seeds from the Cerrado influences the emergence of seedlings. Fresh pitanga seeds provide faster emergence and greater uniformity and should be sown immediately after harvest. Eugenia calycina seeds show intermediate behavior in relation to storage and desiccation.

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