Analytical study onthe strategic relationship marketing tools used by the banking sector: special reference to the public bank in prayagraj

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
9 pages
Research Article

Analytical study onthe strategic relationship marketing tools used by the banking sector: special reference to the public bank in prayagraj

Pratibha Singh and Dr. Deva Raj Badugu


The study seeks to analyze the strategic relationship marketing tools used by the banking sector. The study documented and reviewed the public bank (SBI, Canara and Bank of Baroda. The research design used was a descriptive research approach which essentially presents and describes quantitatively analyze these private banks. Questionnaires were designed and administered to customers of these three banks. The target population of study was the customers in these banks. Purposive and random sampling method was used in selecting the sample size of 50 customers. From the study, the respondents respond towards banks maintains old and new customers record and keep track of the same, out of total of 150 respondents representing 100 per cent, 3 of total were strongly disagree, SBI 1, Canara 1, Bank of Baroda 1, representing 33.3%, 33.3% and 33.3% respectively. 3 of total were disagree, SBI 1, Canara 1, Bank of Baroda 1, representing 33.3%, 33.3% and 33.3% respectively. 4 of total were neutral (sometimes), SBI 1, Canara 2, Bank of Baroda 1, representing 25.0%, 50.0% and 25.0% respectively. 73 of total were agree, SBI 30, Canara 13, Bank of Baroda 24, representing 44.8%, 19.4% and 35.8% respectively and 67 of total were strongly agree, SBI 30, Canara 13, Bank of Baroda 24, representing 44.8%, 19.4% and 35.8% respectively. From this analysis, it can be concluded that, majority of the respondents have responded as agree that banks maintain old and new customers record and keep track of the same. Based on the findings, the researcher recommended that management should create a software where customers can retrieve information without coming to the bank for information.

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